Blackbourn Geological Services
Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Laptev Sea

Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Laptev Sea

The Laptev Sea has a Mesozoic and older "basement" which in part is a continuation of the structures within the Yenisei-Khatanga Trough. However, the present structure is the product of a series of Cenozoic rifting events.

There is therefore a very thick sedimentary succession with considerable hydrocarbon prospectivity. A significant amount of seismic has been shot, parts of which have been published. The basin is virtually undrilled.

The report includes many colour illustrations and large-format enclosures. All maps are georeferenced and are available in ArcGIS format.

The report is available now at a cost of US $15,000. Companies purchasing this report together with Blackbourn's report on the Yenisei-Khatanga Trough may do so for a combined price of US $30,000.

For further details, please contact Dr Graham Blackbourn.

Files available to download and/or print:

List of Contents & Figures (pdf 39 kB)Laptev Sea Report Flier (pdf 326 kB)Main Basins and Other Structures (Enclosure 3) (pdf 1,166 kB)