Russian Geoscience Journals is a listing, in English, of the current contents of a wide range of Russian-language geoscience journals. It is an indispensable guide to geoscience papers and data appearing in the Russian-language literature.
Russian Geoscience Journals currently provides full details of around 35,000 articles, characterised by 187,000 keywords.
Paper titles from geoscience and petroleum-related journals published in Russia and the former Soviet republics are translated into English with keywords. The keywords indicate the content of the papers, and may be used for detailed searches.
We offer a high-quality, low-cost translation service.
Papers are translated/edited by Russian-speaking, practising geologists with English as their native language.
Translation and review costs are dependent on the length and complexity of text, but remain considerably lower than current commercial costs for technical translation.
For further information, please contact Dr Graham Blackbourn.
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